Videoconferencing powered by Zoom™

Tired of spending hours in your car or at the airport just to defend a short deposition? You’ve come to the right place. Deponent in Dallas? Client in Chattanooga? Expert in England? With Spectrum’s high-definition videoconferencing, the world is just seconds away from our conveniently located office.

Spectrum has been offering videoconferencing since before the turn of the millennium. In the time since, we’ve learned what does and does not work. As a result, we started using Zoom™ in conjunction with our traditional videoconferencing back in 2015, years before the pandemic forced the rest of the world to adapt. We have the knowledge and resources available to help you make an informed decision on what will work the best for your next legal proceeding.

No equipment of your own or have a large group, no problem! Spectrum has invested thousands to bring you the best videoconference experience that we can. Our three large conference rooms are equipped with videoconference units that support 1080P high-definition video, which is sent over a business-class fiber connection. We have multiple in-house videoconferencing experts who test with the remote sites weeks in advance of your event, ensuring a hiccup-free experience when you walk in the door.

If you’re ready to reclaim that lost leg room, give us a call or visit our scheduling page.

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traditional videoconferencing